Better sleep

Alcohol generally helps you fall asleep and stay asleep for the first few hours, but it actually disturbs sleep patterns, causing wakefulness during the night and even making you wake up early in the morning, unable to go back to sleep.

No more hangovers

Drinking excessively affects almost every part of the body. While the severity of reactions varies from one person to the next, drinking moderately definitely minimizes those undesirable effects.

Improved fitness

It’s better for alcohol and sports to keep their distance from each other. Alcohol is no help either in preparing for or recovering from physical activity. Wait until you’re all done working out before having a drink. And stick to the recommended limits: you’ll stay in better shape.

Better weight management

All alcoholic beverages contain about 7 calories per gram of alcohol, and then you have to consider the calories in any added sugar or fruit juice. Plus, alcohol slows the elimination of fat and promotes its accumulation, especially around the belly. So sticking to the recommended drinking guidelines will help you keep your weight under control!

More designated driver options

The same person often gets to be the designated driver, over and over again. If everyone sticks to the recommended drinking guidelines, then everyone can manage their blood alcohol level better, and more people can serve as designated drivers.

Quality instead of quantity

Excessive drinking has a direct impact on your capacity to taste and appreciate what’s in your glass. It also has an impact on your wallet. When you stick to the recommended drinking guidelines, you can afford to drink better products and prioritize quality over quantity.

Don’t forget concentration!

Exceeding the recommended drinking guidelines means risking a gradual decline in attentiveness, concentration and judgement, which could extend into the next day. When you stick to the recommended limits, you can focus more effectively on what you’re doing.

Patience, patience…

Everyone reacts differently to alcohol, which can highlight unpleasant traits in some people and make them a lot less patient. Sticking to the recommended guidelines limits undesirable behavioural impacts and has a beneficial effect on everyone’s mood.